On 20 October 2010 11:44, Mark Tuson <markfptu...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Oct 19, 7:06 pm, 23h...@googlemail.com (hiro) wrote:
If this is peace I will not soon all of you to blow the whistle on the ss,
also why do you all secretly in the basement with the white rabbit
contagious! It is FORBIDDEN and a shame for my country!
What the hell is this, bad poetry?

Sounds more like the semirandom generated/quoted garbage that spammers
use to probe email addresses.
Of course google translation (or something worse) converts this

If you don't be quiet, I'll tell the SS about you, especially what
you're doing to that white rabbit in the basement!
This is VERBOTEN [forbidden] and a shame for the homecountry!

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