> I know the cp suicide is a problem in cp, because I designed the test
> case to exercise a buffer overflow I found at /sys/src/cmd/cp.c:77,93
>    void
>    copy(char *from, char *to, int todir)
>    {
>            Dir *dirb, dirt;
>            char name[256];
>            int fdf, fdt, mode;
>            if(todir){
>                    char *s, *elem;
>                    elem=s=from;
>                    while(*s++)
>                            if(s[-1]=='/')
>                                    elem=s;
>                    sprint(name, "%s/%s", to, elem);
>                    to=name;
>            }
> The bug in rc's globbing was just a fun "bonus" I discovered while
> trying to clean up after the cp test.  :)

I take it was trivial to find that overflow, come on the code is so simple
that you just see and get it the first time, which makes easier to find/fix
bugs, iterators and the other crap you mentioned would had obfuscated it.

now you found a related bug in rc, if I ever get to write code as beautiful
as rc that will be a day to remember.

Plan 9 is not bug-free, but they easier to find and fix, think about that.

Federico G. Benavento

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