"Federico G. Benavento" <benave...@gmail.com> writes:

> I take it was trivial to find that overflow, come on the code is so simple
> that you just see and get it the first time, which makes easier to find/fix

Oh, really?  Simple to find?  Trivial?  If so, then why wasn't that
overflow found and fixed long before I ever laid eyes on it?
(Rhetorical question, of course.)

> bugs, iterators and the other crap you mentioned would had obfuscated
> it.

The "other crap" I mentioned would have made that bug IMPOSSIBLE.

> Plan 9 is not bug-free, but they easier to find and fix, think about
> that.

I know you love Plan 9, and I have no desire to disrupt that
relationship.  I'm quite infatuated with it, myself.  But neither of our
loves' would be very realistic if we didn't admit that Plan 9 is just
full of bugs like this.

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