On Friday, May 06, 2011 12:08:08 AM ron minnich wrote:
> > After a few months of reading and learning and actual hands-on
> > experience, I've found that rio and acme and mk and 8c ,etc., are
> > far less interesting than union directories, per-process namespaces,
> > 9p and intrinsic, ubiquitous distributed computing - that's where I
> > personally think the action is at.
> The I humbly submit that you may have Missed The Point.

I'm sorry if I'm being obtuse - what is The Point that you're referring?

> > I don't care what editor or compiler someone uses; but the idea of
> > cpu'ing from a smartphone to run heavy-weight processes (for just one
> > example) gets the geek in me pretty excited with possibility.
> well, maybe you haven't :-)

Now I'm really confused.

Speak not in riddles, friend - explain what you mean!  (:

Please.   (:

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