> One issue I did not w/ acme: screen redraw is
> significantly slower than the Carbon version.
> Test by starting win in acme and doing something
> that creates a long listing (netstat, ps,...).
> Not a big issue as this can be fixed later.

Yes, it was very painful, but the new version is
very responsive.  (The only way I had found to
deal with "live resizing" compelled Devdraw to
swap the back buffer and the front buffer each
time plan9 was flushing rectangles to the back
buffer, and dreadful was the latency.)

Just after my "I will be late" announcement, Russ
advised me to publish all the same what I had,
because Carbon's Devdraw apparently also stopped
working on Snow Leopard with the latest Xcode.  I
was in the middle of "live resizing" madness, and
my code was very experimental, but I forgot to
mention it on 9fans.

Sent from my gesture-enhanced Acme.

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