On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 8:59 AM, david jeannot <djeanno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I will send my code in the next few days,
>> unless there is a need.
> I'm 9 days late, but here it is: the Cocoa version
> of Devdraw.  I just submitted it to Codereview:
>        http://codereview.appspot.com/5015042
> I removed live resizing, because I found no way to
> make it perfect: the window now becomes gray while
> resizing.
> About gestures now.
> A swipe gesture needs 3 fingers (with trackpads at
> least).  If you want to use them, you must
> reconfigure OS X Lion to use 4 fingers instead of
> 3 (to swipe between spaces, or to swipe to
> "Mission Control" for example).
> As previously discussed, OS X Lion doesn't send
> swipe events anymore for vertical swipes.  So I
> reimplemented swipe gestures with lower-level
> touch events.  All that I can say is that it works
> well with a late 2010 MacBook Air's trackpad.
> Unfortunately, it seems only for trackpads: not
> for "Magic Mouse".  The higher-level gesture
> events seem compatible with "Magic Mouse" (though
> I don't know to how many fingers a swipe gesture
> corresponds), but the lower-level touch events
> seem incompatible (I may be mistaken).
> If you want to use the reimplemented swipes, you
> have to set the "reimplementswipe" variable at the
> beginning of cocoa-screen.m (the file's name may
> change soon).
> One advantage of this reimplementation is that we
> can now detect 3-finger taps.  If you set the
> "usecopygesture" variable as well, you have now
> the following gestures:
>        3-finger swipe-left to cut (cmd+x),
>        3-finger swipe-right to paste (cmd+v),
>        3-finger swipe-up to copy (cmd+c),
>        3-finger swipe-down to execute with arguments (2-1 chord),
>        3-finger tap to execute (button 2),
>        pinch to toggle fullscreen.
> Else you have:
>       swipe-left to cut (cmd+x),
>       swipe-right to paste (cmd+v),
>       swipe-up to execute (button 2),
>       swipe-down to execute with arguments (2-1 chord),
>       pinch to toggle fullscreen.
> In both cases, horizontal swipes cancel each
> other if your fingers remain on the device in
> between.  That is to say, the second swipe sends
> undo (cmd+z): a command only recognized by Acme
> currently.  An annoyance is the behavior of Acme's
> Undo when we are in the window's tag.  Acme only
> seems to undo filename change, else it undoes the
> last change in the window's body.  For example, if
> you want to copy from the tag, (unless you use the
> copy gesture) you will have to lift the fingers
> between the left and the right swipe, else it will
> undo the window's body, and you will be completely
> puzzled.
> I wish this announcement will not cause too much
> disappointment among "Magic Mouse" users.  I knew
> nothing of Mac programming before to begin this
> project one month ago, and I certainly generalize
> too much.  (I didn't understood what was the
> mysterious "multitouch" code in Carbon's Devdraw,
> until some days ago, where I fell upon a similar
> code to communicate with the "Magic Mouse" here:
> http://www.iphonesmartapps.org/aladino/?a=multitouch)
> If OS X Lion's users prefer the old fullscreen
> mode, they can set the "useoldfullscreen"
> variable.
> (Currently, Devdraw can't accept arguments, and as
> it is so hard to compile anything with current
> Xcode 4.1, I didn't try to modify Libdraw.  This
> is why you have to set variables instead of using
> optional arguments.)
> Be sure to read the description on Codereview for
> the remaining bugs, to avoid further
> disappointment.
> If you need binaries running on Lion (Cocoa's
> Devdraw, Acme supporting "cmd+z", etc.), I will be
> happy to provide them.

I just inherited a Macbook running Lion, so this is suddenly relevant
to my interests. I'm very new to the world of OS X; could somebody put
together a step-by-step on how to build for Lion? I've downloaded the
plan9ports tarball, extracted it to /usr/local/plan9, and done an hg
pull -u, but INSTALL dies with complaints from ld about a malformed
TOC entry in libbio.a. Also, further up, when it tries to build
devdraw I see it failing because it still tries to make the Carbon


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