I've done papers and "books" in latex forever (don't want to say how
long). At the time, I was a troff refugee, having gotten annoyed with
troff on unix after a few years.

when I was at lsub last may, I got used to their nice scripts and such
and now would much rather do short papers in troff than anything else.
My new rule is < 20 pages, < 1 chapter, no need for complex math, do
troff. Else, do latex. Part of the reason is being that the open
source community has, as usual, come up with 50 ways to do anything in
latex, most incompatible with the other, and in many cases latex and
pdflatex are mutually exclusive: latex and pdflatex either fail to
produce the same output, or, worse, can not accept the same input.
tex/latex, once clean and small, are now a beast, like unto most other
open source stuff nowadays. Troff has the virtue of having changed
little in that time.

Now if someone can do a set of IEEE macros for troff ....

Irony alert! The Bell Labs journal now requires submissions in *word*.


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