On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 08:20:32AM -0400, erik quanstrom wrote:
> > > from the perspective of dossrv(4), the exclusive use flag tells dossrv
> > > to try to keep the program contiguous on disk.  moving it around is
> > > ok.
> > 
> > I'm not a DOS FS specialist but I would be cautious about this because
> > there may be some binaries that expect not only a file to be a
> > contiguous series of blocks, but to start precisely _here_.
> which binaries would those be?  there are only two that i can think of
> pbs and dossrv.  pbs doesn't require that 9load be at a specific offset,
> or the first entry.  see /sys/src/boot/pc/pbs.s
> dossrv obviously doesn't care.

I don't speak about Plan9 utils. Since the document is how to do using
another system as a tool, I don't know if all the dos utils outside
Plan9 are like this (is there something as a "DOS standard"?). So I was
(I hope) careful to write only things that are true, not only under
Plan9, but under any host.

And for the binaries, I do not have in mind the Plan9 one, but the
example of GRUB: if what they call stage_1.5 is not here (the ability to
read a filesystem), the list of blocks to load is embedded in the
stage1. If one moves stage2, it is not bootable anymore.

So I'm just cautious not to say something that is only true under Plan9
and that the reader could take for granted elsewhere. Since I have in
the doc to take into account not only Plan9 in order to find a way to
install Plan9 from some OS already there.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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