On Thursday 22 of November 2012 09:38:06 Dan Cross wrote:
> In the big scheme of things, absolutely none of this matters.  Whether one
> programs in Java, C, Go, COBOL or 370 assembler doesn't really make any
> difference; one could die tomorrow, and would anyone care what language
> s/he programmed in?  really?  This world has bigger problems than that.
> Programming languages are tools; nothing more.  (...)

that assumes any programming language is (at best) a constant or linear factor 
in problem solving time and complexity. some circles hold opinion that more 
powerfull programming languages provide polynominal or exponential factor.

aside of that, in various publications number of bugs is found to correlate 
with line counts or similar metrics, making a more concise language a net win.

dexen deVries


Reality is just a convenient measure of complexity.
                -- Alvy Ray Smith

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