> Been trying to read through this thread through the day and well I think
> the absurdity of your claim pretty much sums up a large portion of the
> thread, unfortunately.  Ay Caramba indeed :(

Hey, I haven't really been following this thread either. I have a day
job, and was just channeling my inner Boyd and venting in my spare
time because I entirely agree with Linus and jwz about C++. But thanks
for the compliment about my summarising prowess.

Bakul was right - that was rude. But he was also wrong, in that game
programmers pretty much all write in C, a most excellent language,
described in one of the finest books ever written about programming,
rather than C++. But I've bought every single copy of "The C++
Programming Language" since it came out, have waded through the
pompous and ponderous prose, grappled with the lack of a decent index,
and seriously, can you read chapter 22 of the "Special Edition" with a
straight face?

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