On Sat May 17 15:16:03 EDT 2014, puta2001-...@yahoo.com wrote:
> p.s.  Caps lock is not working.  Also copying in 9fat directory shifts
> file time current time+3 hours, even +6 hours if renaming (mv).  My
> timezone is +3 GMT.  Its native plan9 on ibm t42.

the standard plan 9 key map maps caps lock -> ctl.  you can change
the mapping with this script

        if(~ $1 on)
        >/dev/kbmap echo 0 0x3a $kval

if you have a caps lock led, it won't work with sources.  i added support
to 9atom though for both usb and ps/2 keyboards.

the other bit is all fat's fault by keeping times relative to local time not 

- erik

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