What the subject line says.

This is not remotely intended to disrespect Sean Quinlan’s 9pm, or the guys who 
did pf9. I’m just asking because there are still chunks of p9p that I’d like to 
have under Windows. Some of the chunks I want (mostly the command line 
utilities, also sam, not so much acme) I’ve managed to build under Microsoft 
Visual Studio (note to self - wash mouth out and learn to eschew IDEs and love 
mk ((also, sub-note to self, don’t use syntax highlighting)))

But, and this is a large but, there are parts of p9port that seem to be 
dependent on the Unix world - unix pipes for one, the stuff about sigjmp for 

So, what the subject line says, but also - how much of the Unix-specific stuff 
in the current p9p is essential to a port to Windows?

Go in peace
James V Choate XXXVI

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