I was thinking of using Cygwin to see would be capable of compiling p9p.


> On Jul 27, 2016, at 9:08 PM, Andrew Simmons <kod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What the subject line says.
> This is not remotely intended to disrespect Sean Quinlan’s 9pm, or the guys 
> who did pf9. I’m just asking because there are still chunks of p9p that I’d 
> like to have under Windows. Some of the chunks I want (mostly the command 
> line utilities, also sam, not so much acme) I’ve managed to build under 
> Microsoft Visual Studio (note to self - wash mouth out and learn to eschew 
> IDEs and love mk ((also, sub-note to self, don’t use syntax highlighting)))
> But, and this is a large but, there are parts of p9port that seem to be 
> dependent on the Unix world - unix pipes for one, the stuff about sigjmp for 
> another.
> So, what the subject line says, but also - how much of the Unix-specific 
> stuff in the current p9p is essential to a port to Windows?
> Go in peace
> James V Choate XXXVI

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