It's been years since I've used Plan 9, and I very-much miss bind and union
mount. For me, the big benefit of them is that you can hard-code well-known
names for certain files or directories, and yet you can override those
paths as needed, without having to set a bunch of environment variables and
worry about whether the program you're dealing with checks the environment

Real-world example: I maintain a commercial program that uses embedded
Python and is run on customer servers over-which I have little or no
control. I don't want my program to use the system Python libraries, if
there are any. But in order to work in many different situations, including
for testing while uninstalled, Python does a whole bunch of hunting around
the system to find its libraries. This hunt is affected by the PYTHONHOME
and PYTHONPATH environment variables, as well as code in, and C
initialization code with some hard-coded paths. To work around this, I set
a flag that advises Python to ignore the environment, I overwrite the
hard-coded paths (in spite of warnings in the Python docs) before
initializing Python, and I supply my own replacement I think this
isolates my program from the system Python, but it's complicated and
there's probably some corner case I've missed.

If the OS had bind and union mounts, then Python could always look for its
libraries in /lib/python. Need a different library? bind ./lib /lib/python.
There would be no need for PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH or sys.path or the
searches in and the C initialization code. I would simply bind my
own library into the well-known location, and I would never have to worry
about some bug in Python accidentally loading the system library.

Off the top of my head, bind and union mount can eliminate the need for all
of these common environment variables: PATH, MANPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
surely others. Namespace manipulation is not just an alternative to
environment variables in cases like these; it's better because it
eliminates code. Every program that wants to support one of these
environment variables must contain code to do so. With namespace
manipulation, they don't need any code, they just open() or exec() a
well-known path. Namespace manipulation works to reconfigure any path name
for any program, without the program's author having to provide a
configuration hook of any kind.


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