> feature i would ove: something equiv to a PS1 line so i know what
> folder i'm in. Can I do that with $prompt?

IIRC, with es you can get persistent history, and control your prompts
with arbitrarily complex logic, all without building stuff into
/bin/es. You can do it with es code in esmain or your user profile
(Again, IIRC.)

I might have imagined that, but I'm even more sure you can set it up
so that if a first refers to a directory, then it's the same as cd
that directory. So a prompt could be


and you can click and resend the whole thing and the result is it goes
to /place for you (then does the stuff after the semicolon).

Finally, I'm most sure of all that if the above is correct then you
can also make it so that

/place {

is the prompt and it executes the actual command only if the /place is
successful. You'd have to finish off all your commands with a },


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