I have asked precisely NOTHING and have only pointed out the consequences
of omitting sources from the 9front distribution because it leads to
undesirable divisions.

I do find it tiresome that you keep ascribing intentions to me that may
well reflect precisely how YOU would feel and react in my position. I
assure I am nothing like that and I'm sure my history on 9fans for the past
20+ years would reflect that. But then again, people have abandoned 9fans
in the past for reasons not dissimilar from these; I can read the
undercurrent ("because you are asking for other people to maintain your
software for you for free"), I am not impolite enough to respond in kind.


On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 8:05 AM Jacob Moody <mo...@posixcafe.org> wrote:

> On 5/14/24 23:46, Lucio De Re wrote:
> > If this comes across as a troll, keep in mind that it is your
> interpretation that makes it so, a lesson we South Africans are still busy
> learning, at our country's expense.
> >
> > I've got Fossil running under 9front; thanks to all those who prodded me
> (and others). I would be happier knowing that there is a "canonical"
> version rather than at least two varieties as appears to be the case from
> the above discussion, but I'd rather not spoil the moment.
> >
> > My point all along was that if the source (Fossil or other) is not
> included in the (9front) distribution, a (bad) decision is being made by
> arbitrary (non)contributors for all the silent participants who may not
> even know about it. Why would anyone want to play God? Isn't Google bad
> enough?
> The decision was not made by an arbitrary contributor on a whim, it was
> decided after people maintaining 9front got sick
> and tired of dealing with people's data getting minced. Effort was put in
> to the two (and soon to be three) other
> file systems that have had a much better reliability track record. The
> intent was to nudge people away from
> using what was deemed buggy software. If you want this to change then
> either you or someone else needs to step up and maintain
> the software. You are asking for 9front to take on the burden of
> maintaining an additional old buggy filesystem
> because it makes your life a tiny bit easier?
> A bit hard to tell from your wording but either you are saying the
> contributor became a "noncontributor" by deleting
> fossil or are you accusing the person who deleted fossil as being
> generally a "noncontributor"?
> If you had spent even 10 seconds looking at the git history you would have
> seen that the one to pull the plug and
> delete fossil was cinap and not some random passerby.
> Do you not see the irony here? You, a most certain "noncontributor", are
> demanding that we do what you want without any intent of doing any of the
> work yourself.
> Why can you not just tar up your files and put them on a supported
> filesystem? Why are we still having this discussion?
> >
> > I concede that I didn't know myself what I was looking for (I think what
> "I" need is for 9legacy to boot, install and possibly run, from a USB stick
> on any PC hardware, and support both IDE and SATA where present) and my
> rather vague question was intended to make the details less sketchy.
> Instead, I got a tirade about what I was or was not ready, willing or able
> to contribute. Fortunately, that tends to have the desired effect with me,
> so right now I haven't yet recovered my decades of pretty
> > pointless effort, but I know I can do it, with sufficient application,
> it is no longer lost or teetering on edge of the abyss.
> Yes because you are asking for other people to maintain your software for
> you for free. 9front maintainers do not want to do
> this, so the reaction is going to be to do it yourself. I don't know why
> this is seen as a surprising outcome.
> On 5/14/24 18:19, michaelian ennis wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > The flurries of traffic on this list often seem to have a negative tone
> to me.  It means a lot to me when the conversations are supportive.
> I agree, I would like to have positive interactions towards working on
> solutions to current problems. I would much prefer if conversations
> trended towards these type of topics. We seem to have no issue keeping
> things like this at IWP9 (for the most part).

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

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