Hi Andrey,

Thanks for the quick reply.

On 9/29/07, andrey mirtchovski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > - Can I safely assume I will be able to run Plan9 on a VM like
> > Parallels on the Mac with OS X Leopard?
> yes (it doesn't depend on plan9, but rather on Parallels running under 
> Leopard).
Yeah, that was my thinking too. I dont see any mention of Leopard in
Parallels website. Not sure how soon Leopard will be supported.

> > - Any idea when plan9port, Inferno, and drawterm will be available for 
> > Leopard?
> right after leopard is out. they run on tiger therefore, there
> shouldn't be a problem. is there a particular "feature" of leopard
> you'd like to see plan9/inferno support?
Not really. I wanted to try Mac but at the same time I didnt want to
stay with Tiger just because of Plan9/Inferno support. I just want to
try Leopard features and Leopard version of apps like iLife.

> > I would also like to know if Mac is used by a fair amount of people
> > for running Plan9/Inferno. That way I can assume there will be a fair
> > amount of interest in the community and any issues on Mac will be
> > addressed.
> there are a few people running macs.
Thats good to know. During Bay Area meeting, when I asked about Mac
support, Ron mentioned you use Mac regularly and thats what I have
noticed in your postings also. Thats really good to know.

I dont know when Apple will release Leopard but I would have a Mac
Mini right after that. I thought of the MacBook but I thought it will
be safer/cheaper to try Mac Mini.


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