* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> i think there's something else going on.  on the home machine i run p9p on,
> i do run factotum with drawterm.
>       ; ps auxwww|grep factotum
>       quanstro  4972  0.0  0.1  43648   360 ?        Sl   Sep13   0:00 
> factotum
>       quanstro  4975  0.0  0.0  67880   204 ?        Sl   Sep13   0:03 
> 9pserve -u unix!/tmp/ns.quanstro.:0/factotum
>       quanstro  2202  0.0  0.2   1676   536 pts/9    S+   09:26   0:00 grep 
> factotum
> check your profile for a path that has two calls to auth/factotum.
> - erik

I'm fairly certain that factotum is only started once. As I wrote before,
connecting to mordor works, so it seems I'm experiencing some peculiarity of
my plan 9 server that apparrently exhibits some subtle difference between
cpu and drawterm. Perhaps I should just step back a little. Not running
factotum is a workaround, but i have the feeling that ignoring the issue
will come around some day and bite me.

Thanks anyway,

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