>> /n/sources/contrib/fgb/mp3dec.tgz

oops, wrong path... here is the right one:

> I do think there's purists and there's pragmatists (sic to both
> there's :-)

I think I'm in between, it all depends on your needs and of course
needs are very subjective.  Some things don't worth the effort of writing
them natively (gs, antiword, etc) others do, cvsfs comes to my mind.

Talking about my pseudo-needs now, I'd like to have an X server to run
crap in linuxemu, so I don't have to reboot just to see some web page
or whatever.  Of course that doesn't mean that I want kde, gnome, or

Changing the subject and talking more about things done in Plan 9 and
maybe in the Plan 9 way, I added changelog functionality to the
contrib tools, when a maintainer does a push the window is put in hold
mode so the he/she/it enters a line explaining the changes.  Also
contrib/list now has a "-c" flag which shows you the changes done
since the last pull if installed, otherwise the whole changelog.

lotte% contrib/list -c fgb/openssl
    Tue Jan 22 17:24:31 ART 2008
        Updated from 0.9.7e to 0.9.8g.


not much, but something...

Federico G. Benavento

Never attribute to malice what can be found in scientific american, under 
computer recreations.

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