Wendy Galovich says -

>   That being the case, Brian, then the first thing I'd do is put 
> those abcs out on the site in plain text format, rather than, or at 
> least in addition to the zipped files. Every site I've seen listed on 
> the ABC index on Chris Walshaw's site has the notation out in plain 
> text, and there are some good reasons for doing it that way. 
>   If you made your tunes available in plain text, they'd be easily 
> searchable by the same means that everyone else's are. Second, it would 
> give visitors the option of downloading the specific tunes they want, 
> rather than an entire file.

You are absolutely right.  I am working on this at the moment along with a 
bit of editorial work to remove a few errors and bring the tunes more into 
line with what actually gets played around here.  I am afraid that, because 
the abc files are generated by software from Noteworthy files, they contain 
no mode information and use the major tonic as shorthand for a sharps/flats 
key signature.  I'd rather not have to do that but I am not offered a choice. 
 Excuse the delay, but those in the UK will know that Lewes is having a 
little local difficulty at the moment.

> these folks who work on these programs generously *donate* their time to it.

I am sorry that you think I have been ignoring that, so I will make my view 
more explicit.  I do not think that the fact that some developers are 
volunteers entitles them to dictate to users what they can or cannot have in 
abc.  Nobody is forcing them to do the work so presumably they feel it has 
its own rewards even if they are not monetary.  I am sure they get great 
satisfaction from exercising their creativity, serving the community, having 
an ego trip or whatever. (At least two of those reasons apply to me.)  In 
fact one of the most vociferous arguers does charge for his software.

> If you are running into resistance, perhaps you should 
> consider that in many of your posts, your tone has been, er, somewhat 
> less than respectful.

I have always done my best to present a consistent, reasoned argument backed 
up by evidence.  Off list people have thanked me for that.  Given the 
response I get, you can understand their reluctance to speak out on list.  On 
one or two occasions I have been goaded into saying things I might regret but 
when it comes to "ridicule, abuse and personal attacks" I am an amateur 
compared with some of the members of this list.  Phil Taylor once referred to 
being in "Bryan bashing mode".  I think I've been on the receiving end of a 
lot more than I've given out.

If I have gone on at rather tedious length at times it is to try hack through 
what seems to be a grim determination to misunderstand what I am saying.  
Even you recently implied that I wanted to get rid of the tonic /mode system, 
which I have never said, and that I wanted to restrict choice when I want to 
extend it.  It is the "We like it the way it is" school who want to restrict 
choice and yet you don't criticise them for it.

Wearily (and a little damp around the feet)


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