At 08:21 PM 10/17/00 EDT, you wrote:
>Frank Nordberg says -
>> And while you're at it, could you add a clear link path from the Lewes
>> Arms main page to the page with the ABCs?
>Well, not really, owing to domestic politics.  The ABCs belong to the Lewes 
>Favourites Practice Sessions which is an entirely separate organisation from 
>the folk club but has a page on the website (because I'm involved in both
>I run the website.  A bit incestuous, but you've got to keep up
> The marketing idea is that you have to pass through the folk club pages to 
>get to the ABCs just like supermarkets make you pass the fancy goods on the 
>way to the bread counter.

        I hope they wouldn't mind if you wanted to add your tune pages to 
the world wide index at some point, once the abcs are in plain text. The 
index links take you straight to the abcs, without passing through other 
pages on any given person's site, as does John Chambers' tune finder, 
when you follow a link. 

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