Richard Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
>On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Steve Mansfield wrote:
>> But at the end of the day if your OS of choice supports the creation of
>> ASCII characters in a file you've got all the tools you need to generate
>> abc.
>Mmm. But the ability to do something with it is nice, too. Is this a new
>wave of fundamentalism, "let them all just play the tunes straight from a
>printout of the abc" ?

Damn right.

In fact why stop there?

You're making the old-mindset assumption that in the brave new 
white-heat world of abc fundamentalism dead tree product is allowed.

Unless you can download the abc straight onto a memory card which then 
plugs into a port on the back of your head, and then play the tune from 
that, you're history pal!

abc2biocomputing - now *there's* something for the sourceforge posse to 
get their teeth into (providing they can remember their new site 
password of course).

[The entirety of the above post is issued under a General Reading Irony 
Notice, with parts also covered by the relevant provisions of the Utter 
Sarcasm Board].

Steve Mansfield
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - abc music notation tutorial and other goodies
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