"W.Dietz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> - Abc is intended to be a international language. Tune notations with H and 
> the "German flag" can not be understood by not-Germans. At least not by the 
> major part of those who aren't interested in german specialties. Abc is 
> already complex enough. Please no further confusions.
> - I guess a good part of the German-speaking musicians had to learn the 
> interational B anyway. At least when dealing with chords. Personally I 
> remember my Beatles song book.And provided you aren't playing weird jazz, 
> the meaning of a "B" chord (B or Bb) always gets obvious out of the cont  
> ext.

I thoroughly agree with this. Allowing German-style note input in ABC
would be much more trouble than it is worth (IMHO). I can see the
problem about chords, but this is something that can easily be fixed
using a preprocessor (the chord extraction script that I posted some
time ago would probably be a starting point).

The ABC language is fragmented enough as it is. We should work towards
simplifying and standardizing things rather than inventing new

Anselm Lingnau .......................................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think that's how Chicago got started. A bunch of people in New York said,
`Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough.
Let's go west.'                                                 -- Richard Jeni

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