> I look for the "Gloggauer Liederbuch", does anyone know if there
> is an internet source for this renaissance song book ?


Do you realize how BIG it is???

It's no more complex than the Atalanta Fugiens pieces I just did, but
it would be months of work to code it all.

A hard copy cost as much as a fairly good bicycle last time I looked.

Also, it's probably still copyright.  It was first published complete
in 1936.  I can't see anybody working from a facsimile of the MS, as
re-editing would add maybe another couple of years to the time.  You'd
need clearance from Barenreiter to code up their edition.  (I once
expressed a hope that this was covered by the loss of intellectual
property rights on Third Reich products imposed as war reparations
after WW2, but it seems that only applied to technological stuff like
the design of the Leica, and was short-lived in effect).

It's "Glogauer", incidentally.

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