
if possible please not the ">" and "<" characters, I use them for
indicating the positions of the handle of the hurdy gurdy.

I would recomend some other not singable standard keyboard character
anyway: "@" or"#" or "$" . 
The Idea to tie it to the L: could have its merits, especially if one
could use an L: field directly bevore the w: field like: 

abc/a/ | bca |
w:left# right# left#

Just a sugestion.

Simon Wascher - Vienna, Austria

Taral wrote:
> How about a w: character that means "move to next beat"? e.g.
> w: left> approach> right> together>
> We already have a "move to next measure". (I'm not recommending using
> the > symbol, I just couldn't think of anything else at the moment.) We
> could even tie it to L: so that the beat specification can be separate
> from the meter specification.

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