>> Something I've also implemented is the conventional |:: ... ::|
>> notation that says "three times through".
> Every now and then I see repeat signs with 4 dots in a line instead of
> 2, which are simply a different style of ordinary repeat. Do you have
> a reference to back up your assertion that |:: is "conventional" ?
> This is certainly a useful thing to have, but it would be good to be
> sure that we are using widely understood conventions rather than 
> adopting someone's ad hoc solution. The other reservation I have about
> this notation is that it doesn't generalize very well to n times
> through.

In music I've seen that uses this construct, it's represented by
printing "(3x)" above the staff.  A staff-notation generator could
do whatever it liked with "|:: ... ::|", but I suspect that most
non-Scandiwegian users would be happier with some such explicit
representation using honest-to-god numerals.

Does any system of notation have a sign for "repeat this bit as often
as you feel like"?  The definitive use of that is in Terry Riley's
"In C", but it occurs implicitly in quite a few genres.

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