Jack Campin wrote:

>Version 3 *should* produce an error warning, as there is an empty bar
>between lines 3 and 4; this is no different from writing the first two
>lines as
>  A>ee e>fg|e>dB d>BG|A>ee e>fg|e>dB A3 |
> |a>aa g>ag|f>gf e>AA|A>ee e>fg|e>dB A3:|
>which BarFly correctly flags as an attempt to write a bar shorter than
>the time signature says.  (In fact BarFly doesn't see the problem in 3,
>though according to the 1.6 standard, it should: repeat signs are bars,
>so the two cases ought to be treated the same way).

It used to flag that as an error, but I changed it not to do so, as it
occurs in so many tunes.  In any case, repeat signs don't always coincide
with metrical bars.  The commonest case where a repeat sign is not a
metrical bar is in a two part tune where the last bar of the first part
is shortened to match the anacrusis at the start of the second part.

>Also, if you want to reorganize the line breaks, you have to edit the
>adjacent :| and |: signs into a single :: (after all, :||: is illegal).
>This is a silly timewaster.  If you're changing line breaks you shouldn't
>be forced to change anything *but* line breaks.

:||: is not strictly illegal; just a waste of space.

>The optimal behaviour: write the ABC as in version 2, with a display
>option in the program to suppress those dangling marginal dots and
>another option to interpret the :: sign graphically as a closing repeat
>on one line and an opening repeat on the next.  That would decouple the
>choice of repeat sign from the physical location of its representation
>in staff notation and allow for all the staff-notation conventions that
>people have expressed a preference for in this thread.

It's on the list of things that BarFly will do when I get around to it:-)

>(I thought I'd compare my version of that tune with how other people
>have represented it.  But it turned out that all three copies known
>to the Tune Finder are mine, which I find astonishing considering how
>familiar it is).
>: James is adamant that abc2midi won't play a repeat unless there's
>: a balanced begin/end.
>I didn't realize this.  I haven't used a current version, since I have
>nothing that will run it, and I soon gave up on the one included with
>the old abc4mac (0.95?) because it produced too many spurious warnings.
>Should I put a warning on my site for people not to use abc2midi on
>anything there?  Almost every tune I've transcribed uses the Kerr's/
>NPTB convention, and it *must* be easier for a programmer to modify
>their code to accept them than for me to change all of them.  (And no
>way in hell am I going to change anything until the software I use
>gives me the option never to see redundant initial repeats in staff
>notation made from them).

I think most people who use abc2midi will be well aware of it.

Phil Taylor

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