On Friday 05 April 2002 15:12 pm, John Chambers wrote:

> 1.  ABC users who play jazz and other styles that need "fancy" chords
> should  discuss  the  subject  with  the  idea  of coming up with one
> machine-readable chord standard, and

Erm, some folk does! ok, ok - some 'contemporary acoustic music' does.

> 2. Musicians who don't need such chords should be casually ignored.
> I'd actually put myself in the latter category.  I mostly play "folk"
> music. In a number of radically different styles perhaps, but none of
> them makes any use of complex chords.  I often find  myself  casually
> ignoring  chord  modifiers  like '7', on the grounds that such things
> just muddy the sound and shouldn't be  used  unless  they  contribute
> something  useful such as a hint of a key change.  So you should just
> ignore me.  ;-)
> Probably all the current software understands this minimum form of a
> chord inside double quotes:
> 1. A letter [A-G] giving the root of the chord;
> 2. A '#' or 'b' for sharp or fla;
> 3. One of 'm', 'min', 'maj', 'dim' or 'aug';
> 4. A number (7, 9, ...) to indicate the "top" of the chord.
> Some but not all programs also recognize:
> 5. '/' followed by a bass note [A-G] and accidental [#b];

abc2 midi being one that doesn't.

> 6. (...) giving alternate chords.

I've not seen this one in use. If we can keep () out of the chord 
notation, it's fine.

> We might add that the case of the root and bass note  letter  is  not
> significant.  

I guess. 

> This  s a good idea because current practice isn't at
> all consistent here, and it doesn't really make much difference. Note
> that  this  does eliminate the common practice of using lower case to
> mean "minor".  As elegant as that might be, we're probably better off
> if abc doesn't adopt it. 


> (Just as we should officially ban the use of
> "B" to mean B flat and "H" to mean B.  ;-)


> I'd suggest that we  treat  these  as  the  *only*  things  that  are
> actually defined in the abc chord notation as of April 2002.  Then we
> turn the subject over to  a  cabal  of  musicians  who  need  fancier
> chords,  and  let  them come up with a good way to handle the rest of
> the job.  The two constraints are that it  must  be  plain  text  and
> reasonably  easy for a computer to parse.  It need not agree with any
> current notation in printed music, though of course it's best  if  we
> can get as close to common practice as we can with plain text.
> Membership in the chord cabal should be  voluntary,  but  anyone  who
> ever says "Who needs it?" should be summarily evicted.  We want a way
> to notate whatever chords people think they need.   Those  who  don't
> need them don't have to use them.

Note that this is VERY different from 'we need a way to represent my pet 
notation for this chord'. 

> The best place to start might be to list the features that are needed
> in the eventual full chord notation.
> (Well, maybe someone might want to say what I've missed in the  above
> summary.  ;-)

Not a lot. Well put.

I offer for consideration (once again) 
http://www.altrion.org/cgi-bin/parsechord.cgi. It has a couple of bugs, 
which I will fix shortly, and I haven't *clearly* documented what it 
accepts, which again, if there is sufficient interest, I will do. I will 
note, though, that its position in the great "what does + and - signify?" 
If anyone tries to tell me that they are in THEIR chord naming scheme and 
thus this one is invalid, I will take my toys away *grin*. This is 
intended to be an UNAMBIGUOUS, MACHINE PARSEABLE chord syntax, that just 
happens to correspond in most respects to what I consider the least 
ambiguous one in use out there.
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