>Is there any tool to convert abc document into an image? I was
>abcm2ps, but when music is too big, it generates two images.


I've seen your website. 2 remarks :

1/ About converting abc to eps files, or other image format, you
should use pdf instead because most users have access to a pdf
reader (gv, acrobat, xpdf etc.). Postcript files are not easily
readable by windows users who don't have ghostscript (=most of
If most of your tunes are not too much big, you can try to change
the size of the abcm2ps output with this :
ABCM2PS3-0-1.EXE abc_temp.abc -F fileformat 

with a file named : fileformat.fmt like that :

%  parameters for typesetting music
   scale 0.65
% you can even use a smaller factor
   maxshrink 0.90
   staffsep 30pt


It could fit on just one page.

You can try also to add commands inside the abc file

%%staffsep 49pt
%%sysstaffsep 27pt

That's what I do when I get a staff alone on a third page etc.

2/ It would be useful to have in addition on you site a zipped
file with all the abc in it... for offline.

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