My vote is
1. Deprecated
2. Transfer fixed time to keep total constant (sorry Phil)
I have no idea what Muse does - I kinds hope it screams "murder!".
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: [abcusers] The F > F (and F > F2) problems

Laura wrote:

>abc2ly enables you to get both printed and played music from abc.  I
>haven't fixed the ^F-|F problem yet, although it's on my list, but it
>certainly doesn't have the  "F > F" problem.

What's the F > F problem?  Is that due to abc2midi misinterpreting
R:Hornpipe to mean some other split of time between the two notes?

Another problem I've come across with broken rhythms is that when you
use it between notes of different lengths the result seems to be
different in different programs.  BarFly follows the standard by
dotting one note and halving the other, but this gives a different
total time duration from the original pair of notes:

F > F2 is interpreted as F3/ F which adds up to 2.5 rather than 3.

It's clear that some other programs do it differently, transferring a
fixed amount of time between the notes to keep the total constant so:

F > F2 is interpreted as F3/ F3/ or as F3 F adding up to 3.

Which is correct?

At the moment I advise users to avoid using broken rhythms between
unequal notes on the grounds that the result is unpredictable - if
in doubt write it out in full.

Phil Taylor

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