Phil Taylor escreveu:
> Another problem I've come across with broken rhythms is that when you
> use it between notes of different lengths the result seems to be
> different in different programs.  BarFly follows the standard by
> dotting one note and halving the other, but this gives a different
> total time duration from the original pair of notes:
> F > F2 is interpreted as F3/ F which adds up to 2.5 rather than 3.
The ABC Standard v. 1.6 says:

        abc notation uses a > to mean `the previous note  is
        dotted, the next note halved' and < to mean `the previous
        note is halved, the next dotted'

The syntax F>F is intended for simple broken rhythm in which the (abc)
written notes are the same length.  Complex ones should be written in
full, e.g. F>F- F>G or F>F- F3/2G, not F > F2 > G (supposing F > F2
means 'one F of default length with a dot followed by one F of double
the default length').

Paulo E. Tibúrcio
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