On Tue, 28 May 2002, John Chambers wrote:

> But this would definitely decrease your rebel points. Maybe
> you  could  make  up for it by having options that generate
> the latest in metal/industrial/whatever  that  critics  are
> railing  against.   Then  we could run through O'Neill's or
> Playford hear how all the tunes sound in that form.
> (I could list a bunch of other rhythms that could be mapped
> to  a  lopsided  division like this.  I'm sure that lots of
> others could, too.)

:-) I think it's time someone wrote some of the programs in Chris
Walshaw's "Abc International" section. "abc-session", and the like.

I've been promising myself for years to write a random bagpipe-march
generator, one day.  I wrote one manymany years ago on the Sinclair
Spectrum, but that machine's Basic was so slow it stopped for about 10
seconds at the end of each bar to think about the next, which wasn't too
good. But these days, generating ABC ...

Seriously, I definitely think that such questions of style should be put
into some kind of options/settings file rather than hard-coded. To have a
strathspey get played like a schottische might be fun (once in a while. 
Bleh. I live in England. It'd be fun to hear a strathspey played like
a strathspey once in a while), but as a default, it's wrong. 

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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