> Here is what a "normal" user can expect from a software
> (especially music / abc related).
> - open files with "drag and drop" (for windows, but maybe for
>   other O/S too)
>- when you open file from the dialog box (file...open... etc.),
>  give the choice in the file type filter to choose other extensions
>  (not only *.abc, but *.* )

Both of these are normal behaviour for any Mac application.

>- allow to enter data directly into the application, without
>  opening any file (from an other application with "copy and paste,
>  or from scratch)

That depends on whether the application integrates an editor.  If
it doesn't (as with an ABC-to-some-other-format filter), the option
doesn't make sense.  On the Mac the standard way for an editor to do
this is to create a new document; it doesn't really exist until you
save it.  On Unix most people would use a conventional editor, maybe
with an ABC-specific mode, and feed chunks of text into filter
programs that could never change the ABC itself.

>- not "lock" a file loaded especially if it doesn't write anything
>  in it : in iabc it's not possible to make correction in an abc
>  file (with an ascii editor for example) and then save it to review
>  it later in iabc : the file is write protected by iabc.

On the Mac (and Unix) file write permissions are handled by the OS.

>- save folder preferences (favorite folders ) and keep the last
>  directory used in a configuration (log or .ini) file. 

Done by the OS on the Mac.

>- add keyboard shortcuts for every command (or for the most used
>  at least)

I like this to be configurable; on the Mac it usually is, with
variable degrees of difficulty.  And definitely NOT every command
by default (though this is a good idea if the program is to be
usable by the disabled).  I have one word processor which has such
a disconcerting number of key bindings that I keep having to use
undo when I hit one by mistake.

>- follow the general convention for shortcuts ("ctrl + c" for
>  copy, "ctrl + a" for select all etc.)

Any Mac application will do that.

>- when several tunes are processed, not stop if it detects an
>  error in a tune : just ignore the tune and follow on with the
>  other tunes

This ought to be configurable.

>- eventually try to display the tune nevertheless if an error is
>  detected (but gives warnings) : it's maybe a minor one
>  (unsupported feature) and the tune may look quite the same

It's useful to be able to set levels of error checking or tracing.

>- gives a lot of option (possibility to allow / disallow a display
>  option, a command, to change the fonts, the size etc.)

I don't think many programmers would disagree with that.  The problem
is whether they've got the time to implement it all.

>- if there is a lot of tunes in a file, doesn't process all of
>  them at the opening, but process / check those on request (the
>  specific ones we want to display) : it will save times.

The user needs to be in control of that.  For some applications only
batch mode makes sense.

> An interesting tune which doesn't display (unless editing them) in
> both skink and iabc : [...]

> K:Am [...]
> A2B cBA|BAG AGE|A2B cee|dBA G2({A/G/}E)|

> Grace notes gives error in skink

Unfortunately, given the current ABC spec, it should.  Grace notes at
present have only one length; you should have written {AG} instead.
This needs to be fixed but you can't blame Skink for following the

> Iabc doesn't understand the K:Am

That's completely unacceptable; the program should never have been
released in that state.

> there is also a limitation in iabc which cause tunes with a X:
> field with a high number to be well processed but it won't be
> displayed later.

Okay, all programs have size limits; eventually they always get
increased.  If the documentation's up-front about what they are
it's not usually a problem.  Putting 955 tunes in one file is a
bit ambitious.

Here are a few more application-level things that might make life

- cascading stylesheets.  BarFly has a reasonable (if unreadable)
  way of encoding preferences local to a tune with its %%Bfly lines,
  and has application-level preferences, but except for the special
  case of its way of handling HP or Hp signatures, nothing in between.
  It would be nice to be able to define a "style" for, say, fiddle
  music with guitar accompaniment, that would select the right
  QuickTime instruments for playback, and say where the chords
  should go; or define a standard look for everything in a tunebook.

- source manipulation tools.  BarFly has a few of these but nowhere
  near enough.  We need:
     * transposition (which understands the mode of what's being
     * change the default note length (e.g. most of Bruce Olson's
       earlier transcriptions have L:1/4 where it should be L:1/8,
       so they're an unreadable mess of /2 fractions)
     * introduce or eliminate broken rhythms
     * expansion of guitar chords to [...] chords and vice versa
     * bar length checkers and (for barlineless music) alignment
       checkers that can tell whether notes in different voices
       are simultaneous)
     * pretty printers; align the notes of a tune in 8-bar units
       and you can tell immediately if you've miskeyed something
       that ought be a literal repetition of something else.

- for players, highlighted playback of either the ABC source, the
  staff notation, or both.  BarFly provides highlighted playback
  only for single-line music in ABC source; it would be very
  helpful if it could do multi-voice too.  Highlighted playback
  of multi-line staff notation was supported on a music editor
  for the Xerox Dandelion I saw on a video in 1985, so it can't
  be impossibly difficult on modern machinery.  It's a great tool
  for spotting mistakes.

- for editors, multilevel undo/redo.

- (so far only affecting BarFly, I think) distinction of document-
  related and display-related non-textual data.  BarFly records
  font information in the resource fork of the file, probably much
  as the Nisus text editor/word processor does.  But it also records
  information specific to the display (which Nisus doesn't, thank
  god).  I often look at the same ABC file on three different sizes
  of screen on the same day, and it's so inconvenient to have the
  application assuming the last screen size I used that I prefer to
  trash the resource fork and just do without the font data.  (In
  general BarFly's control and recording of preferences and other
  configuration data is a bit of a mess: they are scattered all over
  the user interface and all over the filesystem with not much logic
  about what goes where - it probably has to record more state than
  any other ABC application and it "just growed", I guess.  Unix
  enforces more structure so maybe the OS X version will be tidier).

- it would make BarFly's styled ABC text more portable (does any other
  system yet support persistent font assignments and text styles in ABC
  source?) if font information were done in a generic way, as HTML 4.x
  does it.  We don't want to repeat the mistakes HTML 3.2 made ("use
  Verdana or all bets are off") - from the abcm2ps-oriented tunes I've
  seen here it looks like exactly those mistakes are already being made
  at the staff-notation level.  Getting the font stuff right, both in
  source and output, is essential to making ABC properly multilingual.
  (I once sent Phil a song with a bilingual Turkish/German text; I had
  to send him a Turkish font at the same time to make sure he could
  read it.  That shouldn't be necessary).

And one irritating problem I can only speculate about solving: the
behaviour of programs that generate many output files from one ABC
multi-tune input file.  None of the Unix ports I've seen on the Mac
do this in a remotely sane way and I imagine they look just as bad
on Windows (imagine something that made NT filenames by truncating
all the tune titles starting "The Road to..." in O'Neill).  There
are two options:

 * interactive choice, with the user getting the chance to tinker with
   each guess the program makes (not much fun with 955 tunes in the file)

 * deriving the filename from a line in the tune header specially for
   that purpose.  We already have the F: line in the spec and it's very
   under-used.  I suggest the following:

   % if an F: line occurs in the file before any tune, derive a basename
     from it, extending it with the number in the X: field for each tune
     (tough if they aren't unique, earlier files might be overwritten;
     fix it, you're supposed to know what you're doing)

   % if there is no file-global F: line, but there is in a tune, derive
     the basename from that line (again, tough if those lines aren't

Jack Campin  *   11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU, Scotland
tel 0131 660 4760  *  fax 0870 055 4975  *  http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/
food intolerance data & recipes, freeware Mac logic fonts, and Scottish music

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