Frank Nordberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One more question:
> Would you consider the Irish and The New Orleans tenor banjos as two
> different instruments?

Ignornt answer from me I'm afraid, I consider  "tenor" as a "tenor".

> The only type of four-string set I've ever seen in a Norwegian music
> store, is D'Addario's set for New Orleans-tuning, and it definitely
> doesn't work tuned that high on a 23" scale instrument.
> A friend of mine who is the Norwegian distributor of GHS and a couple of
> other string brands, have promised me he can get strings for any
> stringed instrument that exists, though, so I guess I can sort this out
> now that I know what to ask for.

I buy singles from Sully, and find him very
reliable but in your case,  it may be worth looking at his suggested gagues
and talking to your friend.


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