I'm sad to announce the end of Musica Viva.

No, the site isn't dead yet. I haven't even given up all hope to save it! But realistically, saving Musica Viva would take a miracle of the kind usually associated with a certain bloke who won't be around for yet another month or so. I can't even promise I can go on 'til the end of *this* month.

So, guys, if you want any of the music or other content at Musica Viva, you'd better go and get it while you can.
Some of you might need a password to get where you want (one of the results of my many desperate and futile attempts to save the site). If so, please contact me, and we'll fix that. Access restrictions certainly don't apply to my old friends here at abcusers!
One favour I ask you all, though: whatever you do with the Musica Viva content, please don't redistribute it in any way - and especially: don't post it anywhere on the web!
I know the *generous* thing for me to do, would be to ask if someone could host everything for the benefit of the internet community at large. But to be honest, I don't feel very generous towards the internet community at large right now. (It's one of the *very* few things I *don't* feel at the moment. ;-)
So please respect my right to be grumpy, anti-social, selfish and bitter.

So long!

Frank Nordberg

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