You've certainly my gratitude and appreciation.

Might we convince you to make a single tarball available, to bypass any administrative hastle with access and such.

// Christian

Frank Nordberg wrote:
Seems it ain't quite over yet.
The reason why Musica Viva is down now has nothing whatsoever to do with the real issue. Apparently the domain name has been blocked due to "communication problems" between VeriSign and their Norwegian agent, ActiveISP. That's what happened last year at least, and I know I paid that bill two months ago (I just checked just to be absolutely sure). At first I saw no reason to bother, but on second thought I realized this is a golden opportunity to vent off some of my built-up frustration. Some poor bloke down at ActiveISP is gonna get a hell of a start of the day tomorrow. ;-)
Maybe I should sue them, btw? Does anybody know anything about the legal aspect of such a situation?
Anyway, the site will be back again soon, It probably won't be for long, but at least it'll get a proper funeral. Musica Viva ain't gonna just softly and suddenly vanish away!

Laurie (ukonline) wrote:

"...So please respect my right to be grumpy, anti-social, selfish and

Yep.  All the best anyway.

Thanks! :-)

Once at a crisis point in my life I got an email from an Indian friend who
said "always remember that some of Gods greatest gifts come in the form of
unanswered prayers".

I've got a feeling that when I get some distance to the whole thing, getting rid of that greedy and ungrateful monster called Musica Viva will have been one of the best things ever to happen to me. Somehow that doesn't feel very comforting...

Gerry McCartney wrote:
> Speaking as a rank amateur, i.e. not a programmer (!), may I just send a
> thank you to Frank Nordberg for allowing me the pleasure of visiting his
> Musica Viva site many times over this last year or so. I got many useful
> links

The Free Sheet Music Directory is one of the main reasons why Musica Viva is bleeding to death, and even if some last-minute miracle should save the site, that particular part of it will have to go.

> and was able to access many excellent programs that I'd never heard of
> previously.

The ABC applications search engine really ought to stay online. Any volunteers?


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Christian Marcus Cepel              ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
[EMAIL PROTECTED] icq:12384980     `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
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Computer Support Specialist, Sr.  (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'
School of Information Science & Learning Technologies, College of Ed,
University of Missouri - Columbia * And the wrens have returned & are
nesting *In the hollow of that oak where his heart once had been *And
he lifts his arms in a blessing *For being born again. --Rich Mullins

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