On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 07:33:54PM +0100, Frank Nordberg wrote:
> Seems things are really out of my hand right now.
> I just had a talk with sysop at my web host, and he simply refused to 
> take the site down!!!
> So no matter what I do, it seems Musica Viva will stay online at least 
> until it's time to re-register the domain name (and that's not until 
> September 2003).
> The site is down right now because of that domain name trouble, but that 
> shouldn't take long to fix.
> A few very important question here:
> Like any law-abiding citizen I pay my bills to my domain name registrar 
> every year, right on time. Then, for the second year in a row, the 
> registrar messes up the renweal, causing my site to drop out.
> Has anybody had any experience with such a situation? What is my legal 
> position? Can I sue them? If I can can, for how much?
> Active ISP is Europe's largest domain name registrar. What can I do to 
> ruin their reputation so thoroughly they never ever see buiness again?

But you maintain the site ? Just go in there, "rm -r *" and replace
with a page, er, explaining the situation ? Being very careful not to say
anything that could be considered libellous, Of Course.

You have my sympathy, Frank, you really do. It's not _entirely_ a
thankless task running a good website, but it doesn't need much to go
wrong before you can feel it's not worth it.

"A good deed never goes unpunished", someone told me once.

And it's only a few days since I went there, wondering if I could check
the notes of Dowland's "Mistress Winters' Jump", which I've been learning
from a local melodeon player (!!). Intriguing title, good tune.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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