This (abcusers community) is a 'relatively' small interest group; so when
one, especially a newcomer like me, starts to recognise the names of the
regular contributers - i.e. the people with *something to say* - an
immediate sort of affinity develops; to the point that, even when one
doesn't know the other individual on a personal level - the fact that we all
have a common interest gives us an unusual common bond.. This, in my
opinion, leads to a kind of strange type of ethereal brother/sisterhood
where we all can relate to each other, over this impersonal internet, out of
our universal love of music. The point is, I don't know whether Laurie was
black , brown, white or yellow; whether he was Catholic, Protestant, Jew,
Muslim or non-believer. I didn't even  know his age. Who bloody cares. He
contributed imensely towards my own enjoyment of things musical with his
concise snippets of advice and his programming skills. For this reason
alone, as HE shared HIS personal love of music with US, I think that we
should all be grateful for his enthusiasm and encouragement.  His untimely
death is a tragedy, more so for his immediate family. My condolences to
them.  He will be sadly missed and may he rest in peace.

Gerry McCartney

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