| I think the standard (or Steve Mansfield's tutorial) says something about separating 
|them with a comma, like:
| [V:1,L:1/4,M:3/8]
| That's how I implemented/am implementing it in iabc.

Hmmm ...  There seems to be a bit of an ambiguity here,  in
the form of a conflict with the "middle=<note>" syntax that
a few people have implemented for clefs.  You could write:

  [V:2 clef=bass middle=D, nm="bassoon", L:1/4, M:3/8]

In this case, the first comma is part of the "middle" term,
saying  that  the note "D," it mapped to the middle line of
the staff, and is not a list separator.

Perhaps it would be better to use  a  semicolon  for  lists
like  this.   This  is  pretty  much  the  reason that most
programming languages use semicolons as command separators.
It  makes sense, since in written language, semicolons have
historically been used as a higher-level comma.

Alternatively, a safer way to parse such lists would be  to
use the <letter><colon> sequence to flag the start of a new

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