I've put up a first rough beta version of BarFly Carbon, for all the
folks who've been badgering me for an OS X version.  You can download
it from: <http://www.barfly.dial.pipex.com/BarFlyCarbon.hqx>

(It's not linked to the main site yet as I don't want new users to
use this version.)

It should run under any version of OS X, and should also run under
earlier systems (back to 8.5) provided that CarbonLib is installed.
It has only been tested under OS X 10.2.1 and under OS 9.2.2 with
CarbonLib v1.6, so I will be especially interested to hear from anyone
who runs it under different system or CarbonLib versions.

This version is still unfinished;  the printing routines are still to be
written, but all the other functionality is present.  There are a few
nice interface enhancements, and a few things (mainly cosmetic), which
ain't quite right yet.  Please read the release notes for detailed info.

Phil Taylor

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