In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Calum
Galleitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>On Thursday 03 July 2003 10:43 am, Bernard Hill wrote:
>> So what encourages the developer to develop code if there is no payment
>> to the developer?
>AMK mostly summarised it.  I found it difficult to really understand why it 
>took off until I read what RMS (Richard Stallman) wrote about it (from 
>"I cannot enjoy a piece of software without sharing it with my friends".
>He goes on to explain that this has to mean creating Free software, but that 
>one sentence is as succinct as I think you can get.  When you consider that a 
>bunch of mostly unpaid developers created from scratch an operating system 
>and a complete suite of software which I've been using as my only desktop for 
>almost a year, that's quite something. 
>That doesn't mean that all software should be made Free.  Your software is 
>unique, as far as I know, in coming as close to a freehand notation package 
>as possible.  I don't think there's anything else with your focus.  In turn, 
>that means there isn't all that many folk that need exactly what you provide 
>(but the folks like Willie Donaldson who do, really do). So charge them for 
>it.  And when you're retired, and you're looking at spending your time in a 
>rocking chair, whack a GPL on it and bask in the knowledge that people are 
>benefitting from your generosity.  In the meantime, earn your living.
>There is a kind of zone in between two kinds of software, the one-man project 
>of very specialised interest (abc*ps would be at the upper end of this), and 
>high-usage applications where many developers can collaborate to create a 
>replacement for commercial software.  This zone, where your application sits, 
>is probably the least suited to Free software.  
>> I confess I don't understand the Linux setup *at all*.
>Neither do I, I'm just grateful.  

Thanks for your time in explaining that. And I like the description of
my software... I might even use it in my advertising with your
permission - ?

Bernard Hill
Braeburn Software
Author of Music Publisher system
Music Software written by musicians for musicians
Selkirk, Scotland

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