Richard Robinson writes:
| I was thinking about this over the weekend ...

Always a mistake. ;-)

| I needes an abc parser last autumn, for my tunes-comparison project,
| and really didn't want to write my own. So I used James Allwright's -
| he uses it with different backends, to generate ps, midi & abc, so it's
| already separated out as necessary, all you need to do is supply the
| event-handlers. But this created problems, since one of the bodies of music
| I was most interested in looking at was the VMP, which mostly uses abc2win,
| and it doesn't handle the "!" linebreaks ...
| In short, I agree. A "community parser" would be a good and useful
| thing. I was away for the weekend and am still catching up (you busy
| people !) so I haven't got round to looking at John's code, to have any
| idea how hard it would be to carve it out of the surrounding code, or
| what sort sort of interface it would need, but I get the impression it
| could be a good starting point. The liberal approach (handle what's "out there")
| would make it the most useful, plus that John's involved here.
| I'd be prepared to try & help with such a project. What do you think,
| John, would you support this ?

Well, I'm not sure what "support" is needed. At first, it was easy to
handle  abc2win's use of !, since you could just treat it as a space.
Then people came out with the !...! idea, and of course you'd want to
handle  those.   So  now  you  need  a  way of distinguishing the two
meanings.  I'm pretty sure that you won't find a good  solution;  the
best  is  probably  the  kludge  (i.e.,  heuristic)  that I mentioned
earlier.  The abc2win ! could probably be included in a  BNF  syntax,
but  the  result has a rather nasty ambiguity.  So no matter what you
do, you're facing either editing  every  abc2win  file  by  hand,  or
writing a big of kludgery to distinguish the two uses.

Actually, I do think this is a bit overblown.  The "kludge"  approach
is  a  fairly small chunk of code, and seems to work pretty well.  We
can probably construct some pathological cases (like !fff!fff!),  but
they  will be so rare in practice that we can just shrug and look the
other way.  I think the line-wrap problem is actually a bigger  mess,
since it produces illegal abc.

One suggestion for a parser might be to bury this problem inside  the
input  routine.   It  can easily implement the kludgery to detect the
abc2win ! and replace it with a space.  The resulting abc  should  be
amenable to systematic parsing.

I do wish that abc2win would itentify itself early in the headers.

How pathological this can be was indicated in the recent example that
contained a :|!: between two phrases.  That's just pure perversity. I
hope it was a bug, but I wouldn't put money on that.

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