On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 11:41:37AM +0100, Jack Campin wrote:
> After meeting Richard Robinson at the Newcastleton festival the
> weekend before last and playing a few tunes in the same sessions
> (there can't have been many Scottish tune sessions featuring two
> clarinets before)

No, there have been. But what I haven't been in before is a session
(Scots or otherwise) where both clarinettists have been "tunes" people,
rather than the other one playing the sub-New-Orleans-ish "jazz" that
seems to be expected of clarinet players (which I don't go near. Not my
style at all).

One day, maybe, I'll go to a festival where no-one tries to insist I
give them Stranger on the Shore. Maybe. I'm not holding my breath.
(maybe one day I'll adapt the sodding thing. Charley Stuart's
hornpipe). (I've heard Chris Ormston do this, come to think of it,
but I never got a note of it, and haven't bumped into him for a while

Nice session on that Friday night, anyway, I enjoyed playing with you.

> In the ABC world, Chris Walshaw is the obvious zero point.
> I've played with Julian Goodacre who has played with Chris, so
> I have a Walshaw number of 2.  That means Wil Macaulay and
> Richard Robinson both have Walshaw numbers no higher than 3, but
> perhaps they're lower by some other path.
> Anyone else know theirs?

Fun !

I've met Chris a few times, but don't remember if I've ever had a tune
with him. I suspect so, but ... sessions being what they are, maybe we
never actually were both playing at the same time ? Likewise Julian.

And, while I think of it ... Phil, do you by any chance play the hammer
dulcimer ?

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

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