On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 11:41:39AM +0100, Bernard Hill wrote:
> "Strange" key sigs such as the above (while clear in intent) are very
> non-standard. Are they really necessary? I've never played from one and
> would actually find it very difficult to play _b ^f

See http://www.leeds.ac.uk/music/Info/RRTuneBk/gettune/00000c54.html
for an example of how they can be useful. Helpful for the typing, and
(IMO) more helpful in that they show the rules that apply, instead of
just confronting people with lots of accidental notes.

(note to self. fix middle sections, so that D maj. doesn't look
"strange" either)

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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