
One ascii based format you didn't mention is MusicXML which I believe
has a very bright future. It allows moving music among any of the commercial
programs you mention. I'm looking into exporting this format from my little
online program at http://www.normanschmidt.net/abassc.php .


Martin Tarenskeen wrote:


I'm trying out a copy of mup ( from http://www.arkkra.com ) and it seems
to do very good score typesetting for me. The only disadvantages are that
it is not free ( though 29 US-dollar is not that much ), and that it uses
yet another notation language. I've just begun to be a skilled ABC writer.
Any MUP users in this mailing list ?

I have now found several ASCII based music notation programs, each using
it's own syntax

- abc2ps and programs derived from it like abcm2ps and others
- Lilypond
- MusicTex
- Mup

And there are probably several others I didn't look at yet.

Would be nice to start working on a commandline tool that can take many
types of music notation formats as input and produces any other of these
formats as output. I believe NoteEdit comes close to this goal, but I
would like a simple commandline tool that can easily be ported to any
platform (including the good old Atari I'm using for abcm2ps and mup :-)

Maybe someone is even able to hack the formats used by commercial programs
like Finale, Sibelius, Score Perfect Pro ...

Maybe I'm just dreaming, but it may inspire some skilled programmers out
there ?


Martin Tarenskeen

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