On Jan 21, 2004, at 6:16 PM, Phil Taylor wrote:
Not just a proposal but a working implementation in use in BarFly
for many years.  John's suggestion would work.  Given the macro

m: Pn = ^3/24n

Hm. I will go look at the docs. But that is just for ornament, yes? And just for notes? It is not a general text macro facility. And not in the ABC "standard"? It is imperative that it work in the key signature for Jack's proposal.

Not that I think that a particularly useful approach, since as
Jack says, musicians who use these pitches don't think of them
as fractional;  we really should not adopt something which is
totally at odds with existing musical practice.

I'm not sure how it is at odds with practice -- since no one traditionally practices playing music by looking at the ABC notation :-)

Here is an example of how one might use the fractional feature
(this is a cartoon, not a proposal for a macro feature):

D-Bayati (has a slightly lower E-half-flat and a B-flat)
K:C _6/10E _B

True. Not pretty, but someone must define the tone if it will ever
be rendered to MIDI.  Now if I had macros I could have a whole library:

#define HIJAZ_D   C _9/10E ^F _9/10B
#define BAYATI_D  C _6/10E _B
#define HUSSENI_D C _/E _/B
#define foo       _6/10       ;slightly flatter than half
#define foonote   _6/10E      ;slightly flatter than half E


DED2 EFE2 FFG ; song in BAYATI.....
K:HUSSENI_D ; modulation to husseni
GG FEDDEF ; (notice the value of the e-half-flat changes slightly but
I don't even need to think about it)
ABD CD fooEF =EF ; an accidental
ABD CD foonoteF =EF ; an accidental

The first part of Jack's proposal -- about how to build up the keys
out of smaller components (in Arabic the tri/tetra/pentachords are called ajnas)
I have to think more about. It can't be done just with macros...


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