Warning, message is this wide 

I sometimes find I'd like to either transcribe the melody notes from
a bagpipe score before adding the gracenotes, or extract a version of
the tune with the gracenotes removed.  One way to do that would be to
put the melody and gracenotes in different voices and merge them for
playback or printing.  Like this (with the added oddity that I've
assigned the melody and gracenotes to dfferent instruments, neither
of them the bagpipe):

T:The Little Cascade
S:MacLennan's collection
C:G.S. MacLennan
V:1       midi program 1 11 transpose -12
V:2 merge midi program 1 46
K:E Hp
V:1          Be```eg      ge```Bg  |     gf`````eB    gB```eg   |[1      Be```eg     
ge```Bg  |     fd```Ad      fagf     :|
V:2       {d}xx{A}xx   {a}xx{g}xx  |  {a}xx{gef}xx {a}xx{g}xx   |[1   {a}xx{A}xx  
{a}xx{g}xx  |{afg}xx{e}xx   {g}xxxx     :|
V:1                                                              [2      Be```eg     
ge```Bg  |     fagf         f2    e3/|:\
    g/|      fB```gf      eg```Bg  |     fBag         g2    f>g |
V:2                                                              [2   {a}xx{A}xx  
{a}xx{g}xx  |  {a}xxxx    {gfg}x2{eA}x3/|:\
    x/| {afg}xx{a}xx   {g}xx{a}xx  |{afg}xxxx      {a}x2{fe}x>x |
V:1                                                                      fB```gf     
eg```Bg  |     fagf         f2    e3/:|\
    g/|:     G2   Be      Be```ge  |     g2   fg      eg```Be   |
V:2                                                                 {afg}xx{a}xx  
{g}xx{a}xx  |  {a}xxxx    {gfg}x2{eA}x3/:|\
    x/|:{aGd}x2{d}xx   {g}xx{a}xx  | {gf}x2{a}xx   {a}xx{a}xx   |
V:1  [1      G2   Be      Be```ge  |     fd```Ad      fagf     :|[2      G2   Be     
ge```Bg  |     fagf         f2    e3/||
V:2  [1 {gGd}x2{d}xx   {g}xx{a}xx  |{gfg}xx{e}xx   {g}xxxx     :|[2 {gGd}x2{d}xx  
{a}xx{g}xx  |  {a}xxxx    {gfg}x2{eA}x3/||
V:1 f/|      g```efg      efg```e  |     f```def      def```d   |        g```efg     
efg```e  |     fag```f      f2    e3/:|
V:2 x/|      x{a}xxx   {a}xxx{a}x  |     x{g}xxx   {g}xxx{g}x   |        x{a}xxx  
{a}xxx{a}x  |     xxx{a}x {gfg}x2{eA}x3/:|
V:1 g/|      Be```gf      e2     fd|     Be```df      ed```B```A|       Be```gf      
e2     fd|     Be```df      f2    e3/:|
V:2 x/|   {a}xx{a}xx {GdG}x2  {g}xx|  {g}xx{g}xx {gef}xx{g}x{d}x|    {d}xx{a}xx 
{GdG}x2  {g}xx|  {g}xx{g}xx {gfg}x2{eA}x3/:|
V:1 g/|      Gd```Be      df     e2|     gfge         Bega      |[1     Gd```Be      
df     e2|
V:2 x/|   {a}xx{g}xx   {g}xx{gef}x2|  {a}xxxx      {g}xxxx      |[1     xx{g}xx   
             Be```df      f2    e3/:|\
     [2      gfge         fd```ed  |     Be```df      f2    e2 |]
          {g}xx{g}xx {gfg}x2{eA}x3/:|\
     [2  {ga}xxxx      {g}xx{g}xx  |  {g}xx{g}xx {gfg}x2{eA}x2 |]

In practice, BarFly can play that okay, but display hits one of the
spots where there's a red warning triangle on the roadway and Phil
can be seen standing by it with a shovel.  Does any program get it

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro, Embro".
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