On 16 Apr 2004, at 17:11, Jack Campin wrote:

BarFly's implementation of ! is pretty crude - it's done in the pre-
processor, and it just strips out all of the line ends, then puts new
ones in where the exclamation marks are. This is fine for single-voice,
and allows files created by ABC2Win to display correctly (even works
for the Village Music Project abcs), but it falls down on multivoice,
because the program requires the lines of abc to be in the same order
as they will be displayed in staff notation, and also requires the
V: fields to be at the start of a line.

And the P: K: L: and M: fields too, when they occur in mid-tune, and you know what it does to commmnt lines...

You haven't looked recently, have you?

Try this (with apologies to Robert Bley-Vroman, whose impeccably
laid out tune I've messed up for the sake of this example):

X: 8
T: Chorus Jig
S: Miller and Perron "New England Fiddler's Repertoire" 1983
N: Adapted by Robert Bley-Vroman [EMAIL PROTECTED] April 1997
R: Reel
M: C|
L: 1/8
Q: 1/2=112
%%MIDI program 1 40
%%MIDI channel 1
P: A
AG | F2 DF AB AG | FA DF A2 d2 | D3 F AB AF |
GF EF G2 :|!
P: B
[| Bc | dB cA BG FG | Ad ^cd A2 B=c |
 dB cA BG FG | Ac BA G2 Bc |!
        dB cA BG FG | AB  cd ef ge  |
 dB cA BG FG | Ac BA G2 |]!
P: C
|: ag | fd dd fd dd | fd fg ab ag |
 fd dd fd dd | =cd ef g2 :|!
P: B
[| Bc | dB cA BG FG | Ad ^cd A2 B=c |
dB cA BG FG | Ac BA G2 Bc |!
     d2 (3cdc BG FG | AB  cd ef ge  |
dB cA BG FG | Ac BA G2 |]!

The preprocessor is a bit smarter than I described; it doesn't remove
line ends from comment lines, and it converts fields to [inline]
format before starting, so they survive the process.  It even keeps
track of the positions of all the edits it has made so that when you
click on a note head and highlight it the program can still work out
where the corresponding abc symbol is and highlight that.  In order
to make this work with multivoice tunes I'd have to completely re-
write the parser though, so unless I get a lot more requests from
users I'm not in a hurry to start that.

(Other BarFly users please note that this may not work for you -
Jack has a pre-release copy of the next version.)

Phil Taylor

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