| well if my 2p are worth at least 2p to you, do it in ansi C if you want
| anyone to use it. The advantages of portability and general
| comprehensability outweigh some fun features that nonstandard extensions
| may have. I like SNOBOL but I would avoid inflicting it on other people.

I'd prefer ansi C, mostly because it's the "least common denominator"
language that can be most easily included in the other C dialects and
the extensible languages like tcl, perl and python.

Snobol's a fun language. It's too bad that it's so unknown outside of
academia.   I  did a few projects with it back in the 70's, and since
then, it's always been a real pain trying  to  use  what  passes  for
pattern  matching  in  other  languages.  Even perl is so awkward and
primitive in comparison.  I mean, you can't even  write  a  recursive
pattern.   But I suppose we'd never be able to get away with anything
as useful as snobol for our implementation language here.  ;-)

I've tried to pick up icon a couple of times, but  I  was  never  too
successful in getting it to run.  Maybe I should look again.

(I was also corrupted mentally by learning prolog.  Now it seems that
in  every  other  project, there's some multi-month task where I keep
thinking "This would be 10 minutes' work if  I  could  just  get  the
damned language to resolve a few expressions.  ;-)

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