| I tried the instructions below (still looking for an index of
| incipits--how are you doing Phil ;) ? ).  abc2mtex does indeed give a
| listing of Title plus the first bit of the tune in ABC.  BUT, it takes
| things out of the ABC syntax, so the music can not be readily turned
| into notation.  Perhaps there is an index format that would keep the
| syntax, but I couldn't muddle it out of the index.tex file .. at least
| at first reading.

FWIW, I wrote a simple perl script to generate  incipits  a
few years ago.  I tweak it now and then, depending on how I
want it to behave by default. Anyway, if you have perl (and
most  unixoid  systems  have it these days, including linux
and OSX), you could grab my script:


It's a standard unix "filter", taking a list of file names,
or  reading  from  stdin  if there are no file names on the
command line. It does want an extra first arg, which is the
title  to  use  in the output.  If you make any significant
improvements, let me know.

I'd expect that a few other people have done something like
this, too.  Maybe we should make a collection of them. It's
not what you'd call a huge job, but it's useful.

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